编者:亚太贸易协定工商会(APTA CCI)(简称“亚太工商会”)是一个区域多边国际组织,是在联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(简称“亚太经社会”)亚太贸易协定第 50 次常务委员会会议上成立,并获得亚太贸易协定第四次部长理事会会议批准。2024年是亚太工商会全面启动各项工作的第一年,也是亚太经社会正式承认由亚太工商会各成员国确定在中国北京设立总部的第一年。
二、启动《斯里兰卡-中国可信贸易商信用互认协议》。斯中两国已着手开展 《可信贸易商信用互认协议》机制。基于中国现有可信贸易商机制的工作模式,目前,正由斯里兰卡商务部进行审议,以供亚太贸易协定工商会总部、斯里兰卡-中国商务理事会以及中国方面签署。这一具有里程碑意义的协议将为亚太贸易协定(APTA)成员国和其他国家解决国际双边贸易信用体系建设,制定有关规则开辟新途径。
四、联合国亚太经社会同意将亚太工商会总部设在中国北京。 亚太经社会表示,要加强与亚太工商会在技术和项目层面上的深入合作,并指定负责人专门负责亚太工商会与亚太贸易协定成员国政府之间的协调工作。
>> Ten Key Tasks in 2024
Editor: The Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement Chamber of Commerce and Industry (APTA CCI) is a regional and multilateral organization established at the 50th standing committee meeting of APTA participating states at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and approved by the fourth ministerial council meeting of APTA participating states in 2017. The year 2024 marks the first year for the APTA CCI to launch its various tasks fully, and it is also the first year that ESCAP has duly recognized APTA CCI headquarters already established by member countries of APTA CCI in Beijing, China.
1.The Chinese government has decided to implement a zero-tariff policy for the least developed countries that have established diplomatic relations with China. As of 2024, the number of least developed countries adapting to zero tariffs has reached 43, fully reflecting the spirit of South-South cooperation, demonstrating the responsibility of a major country, and promoting global common development.
2.Launching the "Sri Lanka-China Credit Mutual Recognition Agreement for Trusted Traders." Sri Lanka and China have begun to carry out the "Trusted Trader Credit Mutual Recognition Agreement" mechanism. The working model based on the existing mechanism for Trusted Traders in China is now under consideration by the Ministry of Commerce of Sri Lanka for signatures by APTA CCI Headquarters, Sri Lanka – China Business Council, and the state of China. This landmark agreement will open new avenues for solving the construction of international bilateral trade credit systems for APTA member countries and other countries by formulating relevant rules.
3.Successfully held the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement Business Leaders Meeting in Chengdu. At the meeting, the "APTA CCI Policy Document (2024-2026)" was released, and the "APTA CCI Work Plan (2024-2028)" was formulated. After the meeting, the "Asia-Pacific Industry and Commerce Cooperation and Development Forum" was held.
4. ESCAP has recognized the headquarters of the APTA CCI in Beijing, China. ESCAP has stated that it will strengthen in-depth cooperation with the APTA CCI at the technical and project levels and has designated a person responsible for coordinating the work between the APTA CCI and the governments of APTA member countries.
5. The APTA CCI and related institutions jointly initiated the establishment of the "International Digital Trade Organization." The task of this organization is to accelerate the process of global digital trade, promote economic globalization, and facilitate trade. The preparatory work of this organization will start with a research project on "Digital Trade Services for National Economic Development" conducted by experts from multiple countries, and pilot projects will be organized in APTA member countries.
6.The APTA CCI took the lead in establishing the World Innovation Organization (WIO) Asia-Pacific-China headquarters. WIO hopes to cooperate with the Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce and set up its headquarters in Beijing, China to hold the "World Summit on Innovation," select the "Oscars for WIO’s Intelligent Innovations," establish the "60X Fund," and form the "World Innovation Asia-Pacific-China Consortium," which will open a new chapter in the innovation development of APTA member countries and the Asia-Pacific region.
7.Promoting the digital transformation of the APTA CCI headquarters construction. The APTA CCI headquarters has successively proposed promoting digital trade construction, establishing the "APTA CCI Data Center," "APTA Digital Procurement and Supply Platform," "APTA Digital All Media Center," and "APTA Digital Education Training Center," while also carrying out paperless digital office work. All of the above plans have received positive evaluations and strong support from ESCAP.
8.Advocating the implementation of the ecological origin certification system. The APTA CCI headquarters has formally proposed to first carry out pilot work on the ecological origin certification system in APTA member countries and establish the "Ecological Origin Certification Center" to guide the pilot and promotion work. This proposal has received widespread support from the international community and responses from APTA member countries, which will strongly promote the construction and popularization of the ecological origin system in the Asia-Pacific region.
9. Hosting the "Opportunities and Challenges Strategic Joint Panel Discussion Webinar." The webinar focused on discussing the opportunities and challenges faced by Sri Lanka in joining RCEP. The Sri Lankan government and relevant institutions, enterprises, and representatives of APTA member countries participated in the discussion and expressed their comments and opinions. This event has initiated a new mechanism for international civil society to participate in discussions and consult on intergovernmental bilateral and multilateral cooperation issues.
10.Creating the "Asia-Pacific Business Magazine." The Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce's official publication, "Asia-Pacific Business Magazine," has published five issues. Its content covers economic, technological, cultural, and human exchanges and related cooperation projects between APTA member countries. Bangladesh has also published a publication on youth and women's issues, which has received widespread attention.